Nordic Walking / Silent Walk
Monday 13.30 to 15.00
Nordic Walking
Tuesday 9.15 to 11.00
Wednesday 13.30 to 15.15
Friday 9.15 to 11.00
Sunday 10.00 to 11.45
Circuit Training
Wednesday 9.00 to 10.15
Tuesday 18.00 to 19.00
Thursday 9.00 to 10.00
All activities are cancelled during the first week of vacation : 16-22/02
The outdoor activities are maintained during the second week of vacation : 23/2-2/3
Follow us !
Registration form 2024-25
> Contact us if you'd like to do a try out session 06 18 88 86 67 or Contact Form
> After the session, you will fill out the sign up sheet and pay your membership fee + the card.
Minimum age for participating 15 years.
Remember to bring your cell phone with you during the activities.

"I finally found Nordic Sports78 which is the ideal nordic walking group that I looked for. Dynamic, happy, friendly, athletic, serious and adaptable to all levels."
"Nordic Sports78, it's about feeling good, there are smiles, laughter and of course physical exercise!"
"Why do I appreciate nordic walking? Because once the session is over, you feel that your entire body is full of good fatigue and it's relaxed. Because you're in nature; trees, birds; you follow the cycle of the season and you feel at peace with yourself. Because the organisers are pleasant, smiling and care for the well being of each and every participant."